The idea of executing arbitrary commands proved useful enough that
mpdpopm generalized it: the user can configure arbitrary server-side
commands in response to messages received on the mppopmd
commands channel. As an example, an entry in the configuration file
like this:
(gen_cmds . (((name . "set-genre") (formal_parameters . (Literal Track)) (default_after . 1) (cmd . "/home/sp1ff/bin/scribbu") (args . ("genre" "-a" "-C" "-g" "%1" "%full-file")) (update . TrackOnly)))
will define a new command “set-genre”, with two parameters, the second of which can be omitted (it will default to the current track). When =mppopmd= receives this command (i.e. when a client says something like:
sendmessage "set-genre Rock"
will invoke scribbu
like so:
/home/sp1ff/scribbu genre -a -C -g Rock "${music-dir}/${song URI}"
where the "psuedo-variables" music-dir
and song URI
above will be replaced with the configured music directory and the
current song’s URI.
The configuration is perforce more complex because we have to, at
configuration-time, define a mapping between the actual parameters
supplied by a client in the message to “”
and the replacement parameters used in the command arguments. The
command’s replacement parameters are defined by a simple list, given
in formal_parameters
, of parameter types. At this time, there
are only two formal parameter types:
Actual parameters after index default_after (counting from one) are optional; if not specified the replacement parameter will take the default value for its type (the empty string for literals, the currently playing song’s URI for tracks).
Two additional parameters are available:
prepended to the actual argument), as will
Finally, some commands (such as set-genre
, above) may change
your music collection in such a way as to necessitate an MPD database
update after they complete. The update configuration item
governs that: it may be set to "NoUpdate", "TrackOnly", or
"FullDatabase" to indicate that this command will require no update,
an update to the song named by the Track parameter only, or the full
database, respectively.