I hack in C++, LISP, Rust, Coq & Idris. I think a lot about writing provably correct code. I write about that here.
I maintain an obscure MP3 tagging project called scribbu, whose source distributions may be found on my distributions page. I wrote a less obscure Emacs package for scoring Elfeed entries: elfeed-score. It's available at MELPA, but you can download source tarballs here as well. You can find a few other things there:
- a Pinboard client
- Guile Scheme bindings for libmagic
- a literature survey of Damerau-Levenshtein string distance
- an MPD companion daemon for recording ratings & playcounts for your music collection
- a tight, asynchronous, ergonomic MPD client library in Emacs Lisp
- an Emacs global minor mode that turns Emacs into a lightweight MPD client
I've started collecting articles & code having to do with the MP3 standard; you can find that here.
Recently, I've been putting this site on the IndieWeb– you can find my package for this here.