2.4.2 scribbu genre Options

  1. -n|--dry-run dry-run mode; only print what would happen
  2. -u|--adjust-unsync adjust each ID3v2 tag’s use of the unsynchronisation scheme on write (by default, it’s never used)
  3. -a|--always-create-v2 always create an ID3v2 tag with a TCON frame for any file that does not possess one (whether or not there’s an ID3v1 tag present); may be combined with --always-create-v1 or --create-v1, but not with --create-v2.
  4. -A|--always-create-v1 always create an ID3v1 tag with the genre field set appropriately for any file that does not possess one (whether or not there’s an ID3v2 tag present); may be combined with --always-create-v2 or --create-v2, but not with --create-v1.
  5. -b|--create-backups by default, the new tagset will be written in-place (emplacing ID3v2 tags, if feasible); this option will cause a backup file to be made before changing the original See scribbu genre Behavior on Write
  6. -c|--create-v2 create an ID3v2 tag with a TCON frame for any file that has an ID3v1 tag but does not have an ID3v2 tag (fields from the ID3v1 tag will be copied over); may be combined with --always-create-v1 or --create-v1, but not with --always-create-v2
  7. -C|--create-v1 create an ID3v1 tag with the genre field set appropriately for any file that has an ID3v2 tag, but no ID3v1 tag; may be combined with --always-create-v2 or --create-v2, but not with --always-create-v1
  8. -g GENRE|--genre=GENRE specify GENRE as the textual name of one of the 192 Winamp-defined genres ("Rock", e.g.); if GENRE doesn’t exactly match case-insensitively one of the Winamp genres, it it will be matched to the official list by minimal Damerau-Levenshtein distance (again without regard to case). The genre field for ID3v1 tags will be the corresponding numeric value

    See also --list-winamp-genres.

  9. -G GENRE|--Genre=GENRE specify GENRE as the verbatim text to be used for ID3v2 TCON frames (i.e. no matching to the Winamp-defined list will be done). The value for the genre field in ID3v1 tags will however be determined by the closest match to the Winamp-defined list. See also --v1 below for how to turn off that behavior.
  10. -W,--list-winamp-genres list the Winamp-defined genres, piped through your pager if scribbu can determine that (the environment variables SCRIBBU_PAGER & then PAGER are checked first, then any program named less on PATH will be used. See also --no-pager.
  11. -P,--no-pager do not use any pager when printing the Winamp genre list; just print to stdout
  12. -t INDEX,--tag=INDEX specify a zero-based index describing which ID3v2 tag to alter, in the case of multiple ID3v2 tags in a given file; may be given more than once to select multiple tags– if not given, all tags present will be modified
  13. -v N,--v1=N numeric genre to use for ID3v1 tags when G is given
  14. -1,--v1-only only update ID3v1 tags; ignore any ID3v2 tags found
  15. -2,--v2-only only update ID3v2 tags; ignore any ID3v1 tags found.
  16. -w N,--winamp=N specify the genre numerically in terms of the 192 Winamp-defined genres.