3 The Score File

The rules for scoring are written down in the score file, a plain-text file containing a single Lisp form. The location of the score file is defined in elfeed-score-serde-score-file.

User Option: elfeed-score-serde-score-file

The location at which scoring rules are maintained.

The default value is elfeed.score in user-emacs-directory, which see user-emacs-directory in Emacs Lisp.

We’ll go over the format in more detail below.

One important thing to note is that while the score file is initially hand-authored by the user, elfeed-score itself updates it. In other words, the score file is maintained collaboratively by the user and by elfeed-score. The user is responsible for authoring rules. elfeed-score, on startup, will read the file into memory, and after each scoring operation, will write the contents back out to the scoring file, with attributes such as last match time and the number of matches for each rule updated. This means that if you update your rules by hand, you need to tell elfeed-score to re-load it before (re-)scoring any elfeed entries. You can do this by invoking elfeed-score-load-score-file (= l):

Command: elfeed-score-load-score-file

Load the score file into the current session.